Unidentified Hercules(?) out of Cranfield?
(too old to reply)
Fran Milton Keynes
2007-06-03 13:14:54 UTC
#2 son and I watched a Hercules (or similar) fly out of Cranfield
yesterday (Saturday) lunchtime - it appeared to have desert style camo
and a non RAF logo, which from a distance appeared to be a red square
shape, possibly arabic type lettering.

Anyone have any ideas?

2007-06-03 17:03:36 UTC
Moroccan Air Force
Post by Fran Milton Keynes
#2 son and I watched a Hercules (or similar) fly out of Cranfield
yesterday (Saturday) lunchtime - it appeared to have desert style camo
and a non RAF logo, which from a distance appeared to be a red square
shape, possibly arabic type lettering.
Anyone have any ideas?
Flying Rat
2007-06-04 12:19:22 UTC
Post by hh
Moroccan Air Force
Post by Fran Milton Keynes
#2 son and I watched a Hercules (or similar) fly out of Cranfield
yesterday (Saturday) lunchtime - it appeared to have desert style camo
and a non RAF logo, which from a distance appeared to be a red square
shape, possibly arabic type lettering.
Anyone have any ideas?
would think that's exactly it as Morocco has been using Cranfield for
training for many years now. It would be relatd for that.

I think Jordan also uses Cranfield.

My amateur aviation photography site
2007-06-05 08:58:01 UTC
Post by Flying Rat
would think that's exactly it as Morocco has been using Cranfield for
training for many years now. It would be relatd for that.
You need to own a country of some sort to pay Cranfield's landing fee
- £60 the other day (1400kg) including an ILS. I don't normally
complain about this kind of thing but this is ridiculous.

2007-06-04 22:35:05 UTC
did you know the Moroccans have banned google
Post by hh
Moroccan Air Force
Post by Fran Milton Keynes
#2 son and I watched a Hercules (or similar) fly out of Cranfield
yesterday (Saturday) lunchtime - it appeared to have desert style camo
and a non RAF logo, which from a distance appeared to be a red square
shape, possibly arabic type lettering.
Anyone have any ideas?
Fran Milton Keynes
2007-06-04 16:10:41 UTC
Many thanks folks.
