Spanish r/t
(too old to reply)
2007-04-13 17:52:58 UTC
Anybody know a link to a page with common Spanish r/t phraseology? I'm
flying on Monday to an uncontrolled Spanish airfield (LESB) and would like
to brush up my Spanish avaition r/t.

Don't laugh - I am a fluent second tongue speaker - just have not flown in
the language for twenty years.
David Perry
2007-04-16 12:18:07 UTC
Post by Ric
Anybody know a link to a page with common Spanish r/t phraseology? I'm
flying on Monday to an uncontrolled Spanish airfield (LESB) and would like
to brush up my Spanish avaition r/t.
Don't laugh - I am a fluent second tongue speaker - just have not flown in
the language for twenty years.
the funny thing is using "spanish" and "r/t phraseology" in the same

they seem to use standard RT in english and just about anything else in

The phrases you'll really need to get a grip on are
"shall I cut up the eenglish jet now or on short finals?"
"I'm at 30 mile finals, will you hold the eenglish jet just about to
touch down please?"

and of course the classic
"Stop that eenglish jet lining up, i am just about to push back"

All tongue in cheek. Mostly.

Enjoy your flying

2007-04-16 19:18:09 UTC
lol - that was my exact experience today having just got back from LESB this
Gus Cabre
2007-04-21 05:02:40 UTC
I have flown a few times in Spain and only once experienced some
unacceptable controlling. However, Spanish R/T did help. I have a few word
(phrases for different stages) and excel (vocabulary) documents if you were
still interested.

Post by Ric
lol - that was my exact experience today having just got back from LESB
this evening.