The Height Of An Aeroplane
(too old to reply)
Rob White
2007-04-11 13:49:45 UTC
Regarding the last post and especially Andy R's comment about the grasp of
English. You all (including Andy) have mis-understood the "trick" question.
Vernier scales, rules of thumb and the CAA don't come in to it. I fly a
PA28 and by using a tape measure I can advise that the height (to the top of
the fin) is exactly 7ft 3inches. If, on the other hand, Joe wanted to know
about Altitude, or the Height Of An Aeroplane Above The Ground, then that is
something completely different. It's a bit like arriving at the airfield and
finding the disabled parking bay, it is of course not disabled at all, it is
for the use of persons (presumably not pilots!!) who are registered as

Yes, I know I'm being a bit silly but somne of the previous posts were
taking things to extreme.

2007-04-11 16:14:37 UTC
Post by Rob White
it is
for the use of persons (presumably not pilots!!) who are registered as
Tim Ward
2007-04-11 16:49:48 UTC
Post by Rob White
for the use of persons (presumably not pilots!!) who are registered as
I once had a ride with an instructor who really couldn't walk very well and
would, if in this country, quite possibly qualify for disabled parking. His
flying was fine.
Tim Ward - posting as an individual unless otherwise clear
Brett Ward Limited - www.brettward.co.uk
Cambridge Accommodation Notice Board - www.brettward.co.uk/canb
Cambridge City Councillor
Rob White
2007-04-11 18:49:17 UTC
Post by Tim Ward
Post by Rob White
for the use of persons (presumably not pilots!!) who are registered as
I once had a ride with an instructor who really couldn't walk very well
and would, if in this country, quite possibly qualify for disabled
parking. His flying was fine.
I stand corrected - no offence intended

Post by Tim Ward
Tim Ward - posting as an individual unless otherwise clear
Brett Ward Limited - www.brettward.co.uk
Cambridge Accommodation Notice Board - www.brettward.co.uk/canb
Cambridge City Councillor
2007-04-11 19:53:59 UTC
Post by Rob White
I stand corrected - no offence intended
I doubt if any offence was taken, but how could anyone interested in
flying forget this pilot?

David Cartwright
2007-04-17 08:17:19 UTC
Post by Rob White
Yes, I know I'm being a bit silly but somne of the previous posts were
taking things to extreme.
I was sitting in a restaurant a while back with my family and friends, next
to a few exit with a sign on saying "This door is alarmed". I pointed to the
other door, and asked: "Is this one merely slightly startled?".

I didn't think it was all that funny, but one of them nearly fell off her
chair in fits of giggles.

Peter Twydell
2007-04-17 20:02:39 UTC
Post by David Cartwright
Post by Rob White
Yes, I know I'm being a bit silly but somne of the previous posts were
taking things to extreme.
I was sitting in a restaurant a while back with my family and friends, next
to a few exit with a sign on saying "This door is alarmed". I pointed to the
other door, and asked: "Is this one merely slightly startled?".
I didn't think it was all that funny, but one of them nearly fell off her
chair in fits of giggles.
I try to keep well clear of vans that have signs saying 'This vehicle is
radio controlled'.

And what are part time traffic signals when they're not being traffic
signals? (cf. occasional tables)

Ying tong iddle-i po!
David Wright
2007-04-23 11:34:13 UTC
Post by Peter Twydell
And what are part time traffic signals when they're not being traffic
signals? (cf. occasional tables)
I get annoyed when I see "Apologies: Escalator out of order" - how can that
be - surely it should just say "Apologies: Escalator currently stairs"?

Peter Twydell
2007-04-23 17:06:40 UTC
Post by David Wright
Post by Peter Twydell
And what are part time traffic signals when they're not being traffic
signals? (cf. occasional tables)
I get annoyed when I see "Apologies: Escalator out of order" - how can that
be - surely it should just say "Apologies: Escalator currently stairs"?
OK, then: what should you do if you see the sign 'Dogs must be carried'
and you haven't got a dog?

Ying tong iddle-i po!
Rob White
2007-04-23 17:38:32 UTC
Post by David Wright
Post by Peter Twydell
And what are part time traffic signals when they're not being traffic
signals? (cf. occasional tables)
I get annoyed when I see "Apologies: Escalator out of order" - how can
that be - surely it should just say "Apologies: Escalator currently
A hospital in Manchester (St Marys I understand ) has a sign on the fence
saying "guard dogs operate on these premises"!!!!
