Mode S in Europe
(too old to reply)
Gus Cabre
2007-10-22 20:00:46 UTC
Dear All,

I'm planning a flight to Templehof next year. What is the situation with
mode S in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Do you know if it's
compulsory for VFR flights in these countries?

2007-10-23 10:43:38 UTC
Hi Gus

My understanding is that Mode S is practically mandatory if you want
to fly in any airspace into which they will let you, whether VFR or

In the UK, one can get about entirely in Class G where it is not
mandatory (yet). However, when abroad, one often ends up getting
transits in Mode C.

The only way to settle this is to check the various national AIPs...

Post by Gus Cabre
Dear All,
I'm planning a flight to Templehof next year. What is the situation with
mode S in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Do you know if it's
compulsory for VFR flights in these countries?
2007-10-23 10:45:31 UTC
Post by Gus Cabre
I'm planning a flight to Templehof next year. What is the situation with
mode S in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Do you know if it's
compulsory for VFR flights in these countries?
The Netherlands: Mode S is compulsory for IFR flights as of March
2007. It will be compulsory for VFR flights from March 2008.

Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many
outweigh the needs of the few
2007-10-23 14:47:20 UTC
Post by B!
It will be compulsory for VFR flights from March 2008.
How are they dealing with the various "lightweight" categories - these
are extremely vocal in rejecting Mode S and some of them don't even
have a power source (would have to have a battery operated

My impression is that there is a whole load of exemptions around
Europe, but no two countries are doing quite the same thing.
2007-10-23 15:37:45 UTC
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:47:20 +0100, Peter
Post by Peter
Post by B!
It will be compulsory for VFR flights from March 2008.
That's March 31st, 2008.
Post by Peter
How are they dealing with the various "lightweight" categories - these
are extremely vocal in rejecting Mode S and some of them don't even
have a power source (would have to have a battery operated
That's described in AIC 04/04. Non-motorised aircraft are as yet
exempted. http://www.ais-netherlands.nl/aim/AICB/pdf/b04-04.pdf
Post by Peter
My impression is that there is a whole load of exemptions around
Europe, but no two countries are doing quite the same thing.
Long live JAA!

Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many
outweigh the needs of the few
2007-10-24 22:16:38 UTC
For Germany, the LBA publishes the following Info:

Alle Luftfahrzeuge: Mode S Transponderpflicht für folgende VFR Flüge:
- alle Flüge im Luftraum C oder D (nicht Kontrollzone) oder in der TMZ
- alle Flüge mit motorgetriebenen Luftfahrzeugen oberhalb 5000 ft über NN
oder oberhalb einer Höhe
von 3500 ft über Grund, wobei jeweils der höhere Wert maßgebend ist
- alle Flüge bei Nacht im kontrollierten Luftraum
31. März 2008

Since the German text might not be informative for you, here is my
unofficial and potentially wrong translation:
All airplanes: Mode S mandatory for the following VFR flights:
- all flights in airspace C or D (not Control Zone) or in a TMZ
- all flights with motor driven airplanes above 5000 ft MSL or 3500 ft GND,
the higher value is valid.
- all flights by night in controlled airspace
March 31st 2008

So before March 31st 2008 you will need no Mode S for VFR.
After this date:
I do not know wether there is a TMZ on your way to Tempelhof, but a short
look to the Terminal Chart leads me to the assumption that you will not need
Mode S if you enter the Control Zone below 2500 ft MSL (and if you are able
to keep clear of all C, D or TMZ on your way there).
Disclaimer: Of course all these informations might be wrong.
Happy flight
