aerobatic rating
(too old to reply)
2007-09-08 09:47:43 UTC
Hello group,

does anybody know what to do to get an aerobatic rating having CAA PPL
I allready have an aerobatic rating for gliders, some people mean I
only need
to have some aerobatic instruction in an aeroplan and no more
checkride then.

I haven't found something about in Lasors or on CAA website.
2007-09-08 11:52:42 UTC
Post by iwl
Hello group,
does anybody know what to do to get an aerobatic rating having CAA PPL
I allready have an aerobatic rating for gliders, some people mean I
only need
to have some aerobatic instruction in an aeroplan and no more
checkride then.
I haven't found something about in Lasors or on CAA website.
Hi there,

The people you need to contact are the AOPA. This link should lead you
to their aerobatic certificate webpage:


2007-09-09 11:54:39 UTC
Post by iwl
Hello group,
does anybody know what to do to get an aerobatic rating having CAA PPL
I allready have an aerobatic rating for gliders, some people mean I
only need
to have some aerobatic instruction in an aeroplan and no more
checkride then.
I haven't found something about in Lasors or on CAA website.
There isn't an aero rating, but flying aeros without formal training
could be regarded as hazarding the aircraft and would therefore be
illegal. The usual route is to complete the 8 hour AOPA syllabus and to
pass the AOPA certificate test (if you are already proficient at aeros
you COULD just take the test). As with all training the quoted "8 hours"
is a minimum and many people need a bit more to reach standard.

The AOPA syllabus contains the basic manouevres (Loop, aileron roll,
slow roll, barrel roll, stall turn, wingover, spin, precision spin, ROT,
and a short sequence) and is a good basis for further development.

There are many differences between glider and SEP aeros so I strongly
recommend that you do some formal training. If you're in the South of UK
contact Old Sarum (01722-322525), otherwise look at the BAEA website.

