EU voting this week on BARMY EASA licensing proposals
(too old to reply)
2010-10-12 10:38:12 UTC
EASA is requiring EASA licenses for ALL aircraft whose "operator" is
"resident" in the EU.

What the definitions of these terms are nobody knows...

Here is a good background article:

Short URL version:

And here is the URL for your MEPs

Write to them TODAY.

Keep it brief, no copy/paste from elsewhere, and tell them how it will
affect you and how it is purely a cynical in-your-face EU political
measure with zero safety benefit.

This will make many commercial pilots jobless, due to the need to sit
14 exams, and all for nothing, because in most cases of foreign reg
aircraft the EASA licenses will not even be valid (under ICAO e.g. FAR
61.3) for flying the actual aircraft!!

It will also cause may private pilots to drop out of flying, or drop
out of flying IFR.

It is 100% a job creation/protection measure for EU bureaucrats and
for professional flying schools.

There is zero safety benefit because foreign reg aircraft have the
same or higher safety record than EASA-reg ones. The Eurocrats don't
like this, of course.

Spread the word...
2010-10-12 21:25:10 UTC
Post by p***@in.the.uk.co.uk
EASA is requiring EASA licenses for ALL aircraft whose "operator" is
"resident" in the EU.
What the definitions of these terms are nobody knows...
Yeah so? What's your objection or are you just a post and run spammer?

<spam cut>
