GPS Garmin 196
(too old to reply)
Martin Hickin
2006-12-12 22:14:51 UTC
My 196 keeps going dead in flight... why, the battery is good. Help!
Richard Herring
2006-12-12 23:00:16 UTC
Post by Martin Hickin
My 196 keeps going dead in flight...
Have you got the latest firmware upgrade from

? I don't know if it's relevant, but the email I received about it said:

"Changes made from version 4.20 to 4.30:

* Corrected shutdown problem in aviation mode.
Post by Martin Hickin
why, the battery is good. Help!
Do you mean the a/c battery or the internal one? My impression (FWIW;
purely anecdotal evidence, not anything scientific) is that it doesn't
like momentary glitches in the supply from the internal battery, and it
doesn't like having the antenna disconnected while it's turned on.
Richard Herring <mailto:***@clupeid.demon.co.uk>
Gus Cabre
2006-12-13 00:39:47 UTC

I had the same problem with mine and discovered that the batteries were
slightly loose in their compartment. Have a look and see if the contacts
have been pushed in too much and one of the batteries is loose (hope you
know what I mean).

Post by Martin Hickin
My 196 keeps going dead in flight... why, the battery is good. Help!
2006-12-13 16:00:44 UTC
Post by Martin Hickin
My 196 keeps going dead in flight... why, the battery is good. Help!
Do you mean no display at all, or just not updating your position?

Martin Hickin
2006-12-13 18:51:34 UTC
My 196 has firmware 4.20 - so I will upgrade that.
It is the internal batteries of the 196 that are good/new. The contacts
inside look good to me.
When it goes dead, it is as if it had been switched off. I have to press the
start button again. However it picks the route up instantly when turned back
Post by Martin Hickin
My 196 keeps going dead in flight... why, the battery is good. Help!