Loss of aviation channel with turbo
(too old to reply)
2007-04-04 20:44:30 UTC
Discovery Wings has been replaced with discovery turbo on UK channels and no
doubt elsewhere. Supposed to a mix of train car and plane discovery say, its
100% wall to wall cars and m/bikes, we have thus lost an aviation channel,
just scrolled through from now till next thurs on my digiguide prog and all
I see is choppers and monster garage, back to back. bloody bikes and car
No one seems fussed, no mention of it in Flypast aviation forum, or on ng
aviation forums.
Whilst repeats of some progs got to be boring, I now find myself valuing
the vhs and beta recordings made, as it seems viewing such progs about WW2
aviation is about to be minimised.
Feel sorry for those bods just getting into this hobby, what we took for
granted is no longer broadcast.
Watch the knock on effect, less people getting interested from what they see
on the box, less at airshows, airshows die off etc.
If no one complains about the removal of aviation channels then they will
get away with it. Aviation is a BIG hobby in the uk and vast numbers of
people are into it, far more than customise bikes and rearrange cars into
mowers and boats !
Putting together a decent aviation documentary involves time and skill and
effort, it captures memories of veterans, it promotes our heritage, any
idiot can film some bods hacking at a car.
However they have gone for the easy option, cheap and cheerful. So its back
to b/w books folks for our aviation entertainment WW2.
Get complaining NOW to the Discovery Channel. What they preach ain't what we
are getting, even mixture of aircraft and cars and trains, no bloody way.
2007-04-04 20:49:57 UTC
Post by Steve
Discovery Wings has been replaced with discovery turbo on UK channels and no
doubt elsewhere. > However they have gone for the easy option, cheap and
cheerful. So its back
to b/w books folks for our aviation entertainment WW2.
Get complaining NOW to the Discovery Channel. >
Welcome to the real world and don't be so naive.
Wings probably did not bring in the viewers so not advertisers so no income.
Bikes and cars etc brings in the viewers and the advertisers and the money.

Complain to the Discovery Channel - get a life!
2007-04-04 21:19:13 UTC
...so more people are watching monster garage and the like , (and I am
already seeing repeats of repeats after a few weeks of this stuff), than are
into aviation and the myriad of subjects it offers.
So we give into this, make out that car bashing is more popular than
I dont take things lying down, you may be happy to accept this crappy new
channel, I am not.
If enough complain Discovery will listen.
There is too much of letting people get away with things, stand up and use
your right of speech I say.
Companies IF they get massive feedback will listen. Defeatism is not an
option, not for those who enjoy aviation progs.
Post by Borat
Post by Steve
Discovery Wings has been replaced with discovery turbo on UK channels
Post by Borat
Post by Steve
doubt elsewhere. > However they have gone for the easy option, cheap and
cheerful. So its back
to b/w books folks for our aviation entertainment WW2.
Get complaining NOW to the Discovery Channel. >
Welcome to the real world and don't be so naive.
Wings probably did not bring in the viewers so not advertisers so no income.
Bikes and cars etc brings in the viewers and the advertisers and the money.
Complain to the Discovery Channel - get a life!
2007-04-05 07:51:43 UTC
Post by Borat
Welcome to the real world and don't be so naive.
Wings probably did not bring in the viewers so not advertisers so no income.
Bikes and cars etc brings in the viewers and the advertisers and the money.
Complain to the Discovery Channel - get a life!
...and maybe you could express opinion in a less aggressive manner.

Clive - Selectron
2007-04-10 12:49:26 UTC
I emailed Virgin the moment I realized no more Discovery Wings
(Mr Branson does have some interest in aviation?) complaining
bitterly at its demise and got a reply about a month later telling
me to dial 150, Customer Services.
Right...that'll do the trick.
Post by Steve
Discovery Wings has been replaced with discovery turbo on UK channels and no
doubt elsewhere. Supposed to a mix of train car and plane discovery say, its
100% wall to wall cars and m/bikes, we have thus lost an aviation channel,
just scrolled through from now till next thurs on my digiguide prog and all
I see is choppers and monster garage, back to back. bloody bikes and car
No one seems fussed, no mention of it in Flypast aviation forum, or on ng
aviation forums.
Whilst repeats of some progs got to be boring, I now find myself valuing
the vhs and beta recordings made, as it seems viewing such progs about WW2
aviation is about to be minimised.
Feel sorry for those bods just getting into this hobby, what we took for
granted is no longer broadcast.
Watch the knock on effect, less people getting interested from what they see
on the box, less at airshows, airshows die off etc.
If no one complains about the removal of aviation channels then they will
get away with it. Aviation is a BIG hobby in the uk and vast numbers of
people are into it, far more than customise bikes and rearrange cars into
mowers and boats !
Putting together a decent aviation documentary involves time and skill and
effort, it captures memories of veterans, it promotes our heritage, any
idiot can film some bods hacking at a car.
However they have gone for the easy option, cheap and cheerful. So its back
to b/w books folks for our aviation entertainment WW2.
Get complaining NOW to the Discovery Channel. What they preach ain't what we
are getting, even mixture of aircraft and cars and trains, no bloody way.