Flying lessons somewhere warm!
(too old to reply)
2006-12-22 01:48:51 UTC
I quite like the idea of treating myself to some flying lessons in a
light aircraft over the Christmas/New Year period. I could do this in
the UK, I guess, but I also would like to spend a bit of time somewhere

I suppose I could try Florida - I gather this is quite a popular choice
but I only have a week's holiday to take and it's quite a long trip to
make for such a short holiday.

Does anyone know of a flying school with English speaking instructors
in the warmer parts of Europe, e.g. Spain/Portugal?

Mike Lindsay
2006-12-22 08:27:07 UTC
Post by Alan
I quite like the idea of treating myself to some flying lessons in a
light aircraft over the Christmas/New Year period. I could do this in
the UK, I guess, but I also would like to spend a bit of time somewhere
I suppose I could try Florida - I gather this is quite a popular choice
but I only have a week's holiday to take and it's quite a long trip to
make for such a short holiday.
Does anyone know of a flying school with English speaking instructors
in the warmer parts of Europe, e.g. Spain/Portugal?
There used to be a training organisation at Perth, Scotland.
The whole outfit moved to Spain a few years back.
A very friendly and helpful instructor, Chris Gowers, who did my
biannual in 2003, moved with them.

You could try looking at www.bestaviation.net
Mike Lindsay
Joan Walsh
2006-12-22 09:54:47 UTC
Post by Alan
I quite like the idea of treating myself to some flying lessons in a
light aircraft over the Christmas/New Year period. I could do this in
the UK, I guess, but I also would like to spend a bit of time somewhere
I suppose I could try Florida - I gather this is quite a popular choice
but I only have a week's holiday to take and it's quite a long trip to
make for such a short holiday.
Does anyone know of a flying school with English speaking instructors
in the warmer parts of Europe, e.g. Spain/Portugal?
Go for microlight. You'll enjoy it and learn a lot.
I suggest <www.gerrybreen.com> in the Algarve.

Joan Walsh
2006-12-22 10:16:12 UTC
Post by Alan
I quite like the idea of treating myself to some flying lessons in a
light aircraft over the Christmas/New Year period. I could do this in
the UK, I guess, but I also would like to spend a bit of time somewhere
I suppose I could try Florida - I gather this is quite a popular choice
but I only have a week's holiday to take and it's quite a long trip to
make for such a short holiday.
Does anyone know of a flying school with English speaking instructors
in the warmer parts of Europe, e.g. Spain/Portugal?
There is a lot in Spain. Google on "flight training spain" turns up a
lot of links e.g.


Florida is also popular and you can do a JAA PPL there, but you have
the US visa/TSA issues to go through and there is absolutely no way
you will get those sorted out for xmas; it takes at least 2 months. A
guide to the process is here


Personally, having gone through the considerable visa/TSA hassle, I
would go to Arizona since the weather is 99% guaranteed to be OK.
Bert Boos
2006-12-26 15:45:43 UTC
Post by Alan
I quite like the idea of treating myself to some flying lessons in a
light aircraft over the Christmas/New Year period. I could do this in
the UK, I guess, but I also would like to spend a bit of time somewhere
I suppose I could try Florida - I gather this is quite a popular choice
but I only have a week's holiday to take and it's quite a long trip to
make for such a short holiday.
Does anyone know of a flying school with English speaking instructors
in the warmer parts of Europe, e.g. Spain/Portugal?
www.fly-in-spain.com (Malaga)
Bert Boos
2006-12-26 15:53:20 UTC
Post by Bert Boos
Post by Alan
I quite like the idea of treating myself to some flying lessons in a
light aircraft over the Christmas/New Year period. I could do this in
the UK, I guess, but I also would like to spend a bit of time somewhere
I suppose I could try Florida - I gather this is quite a popular choice
but I only have a week's holiday to take and it's quite a long trip to
make for such a short holiday.
Does anyone know of a flying school with English speaking instructors
in the warmer parts of Europe, e.g. Spain/Portugal?
www.fly-in-spain.com (Malaga)
I wrote Malaga, but it's Jerez.....
