ATPL groundschool
(too old to reply)
David Perry
2007-02-05 20:31:19 UTC
Guys and gals, can I pick yer brains?

A stude of mine wants to do his ATPL groundschool. he lives Guildford
way. he has seen something at Bournemouth but is very keen on distance
learning and has been seduced by the £1500 package from Cranfield.

My experience of ATPL is now a decade old - has anyone got any up to
date knowledge I could pass on please??

2007-02-05 23:28:46 UTC
Personally, the distance learning route is a bit of a racket between the
schools and the CAA. The need to have some classroom time bumps up the cost
unnecessarily. Personally, I found the 2 weeks for my first phase a bit of a
waste of time and an intrusion into my study programme.

Whatever it has to be done and you cannot do the exams without being stiffed
by both the CAA and the FTOs.

I an in the middle of the Oxford programme and use the Bristol forum and
question bank.

Dont let your friend be tempted into buying a set of second hand study
manuals from the internet. The FTO will only send you another set as they
are included in the price of the course and they will give no discount.
Post by David Perry
Guys and gals, can I pick yer brains?
A stude of mine wants to do his ATPL groundschool. he lives Guildford
way. he has seen something at Bournemouth but is very keen on distance
learning and has been seduced by the £1500 package from Cranfield.
My experience of ATPL is now a decade old - has anyone got any up to
date knowledge I could pass on please??
2007-02-06 09:35:37 UTC
Allow plenty of time also. A friend has just done his JAA CPL via
Oxford I think, and it took him 2 years. He's still got the IR to do.
He's self employed so can take time off (up to a point) but it still
took a long time.

Incidentally, if you have any ICAO IR then you can skip the mandatory
ground school when doing the JAA IR, at the discretion of some person
in charge. I have a reference to this somewhere.
2007-02-06 22:46:33 UTC
Post by Peter
Allow plenty of time also. A friend has just done his JAA CPL via
Oxford I think, and it took him 2 years. He's still got the IR to do.
He's self employed so can take time off (up to a point) but it still
took a long time.
Incidentally, if you have any ICAO IR then you can skip the mandatory
ground school when doing the JAA IR, at the discretion of some person
in charge. I have a reference to this somewhere.
That only applies when doing the IR separately if you can get someone to
sign you off. (It is not in any schools interest to do this).The ATPL exams
cover both the commercial and the IR and total 14 exams. Doing the
commercial and the IR separately requires 16 exams to be passed and will
probably cost more than the ATPL. Just do the ATPL.
