SBS-1 virtual Radar - info plz ??
(too old to reply)
2007-07-14 14:02:46 UTC
Hello, i am very interested in the SBS-1 virtual radar.

I have been using ACARS for a number of years now and this new SBS-1
seems to be fantastic. I have searched on the net about it, but was
wondering if you could fill in some of the blanks for me.

I live in valley and listen to airband and seem to get quite a good
range East and West, and fair range North and South of me. Probable 150
miles E-W and 80 miles N-S.

A) If i put the aerial for this SBS-1 in the loft, what kind of range
could i expect (very roughly) ?,

B) It says it picks up S/ADS-B equipped aircraft, now i'm mainly only
interested in civil aircraft on approach to my local airport
(Newcastle), when i see the aircraft pass over my house (around 4000ft
to 8000ft) i want to be able to use the SBS-1 to "see" them and find out
the registration of them, also to predict if a plane is going to pass
over my house by looking at the route it is taking. Also high-level
overflights over my house on their way to NEW (Newcastle VOR Beacon).
Would this SBS-1 be able to do that ?, would it pick up most civil
airliners over my house at those heights (KLM, Ryanair, EasyJet, BA,
Thomson, MyTravel etc etc) ?

Sorry for all the questions, but if i'm going to be paying nearly £400 i
need to know it is going to live up to my expectations (as i'm sure it

Also, where is the best place to buy these ? I see Javiation do then for
£389, is that a good price or are there better offers on ?

Best Regards,
Julian Scarfe
2007-07-20 08:30:22 UTC
Post by Andy
B) It says it picks up S/ADS-B equipped aircraft, now i'm mainly only
interested in civil aircraft on approach to my local airport
(Newcastle), when i see the aircraft pass over my house (around 4000ft
to 8000ft) i want to be able to use the SBS-1 to "see" them and find out
the registration of them, also to predict if a plane is going to pass
over my house by looking at the route it is taking. Also high-level
overflights over my house on their way to NEW (Newcastle VOR Beacon).
Would this SBS-1 be able to do that ?, would it pick up most civil
airliners over my house at those heights (KLM, Ryanair, EasyJet, BA,
Thomson, MyTravel etc etc) ?
Can't comment on reception issues, but most larger (airliner-size) civil
aircraft should be equipped with the 1090ES that would allow you to see
them. The ones you're less likely to see and light aircraft and military.

2007-07-22 22:34:31 UTC
Cheers for the info Julian !

Regards, Andrew
Post by Julian Scarfe
Post by Andy
B) It says it picks up S/ADS-B equipped aircraft, now i'm mainly only
interested in civil aircraft on approach to my local airport
(Newcastle), when i see the aircraft pass over my house (around 4000ft
to 8000ft) i want to be able to use the SBS-1 to "see" them and find out
the registration of them, also to predict if a plane is going to pass
over my house by looking at the route it is taking. Also high-level
overflights over my house on their way to NEW (Newcastle VOR
Post by Julian Scarfe
Post by Andy
Would this SBS-1 be able to do that ?, would it pick up most civil
airliners over my house at those heights (KLM, Ryanair, EasyJet, BA,
Thomson, MyTravel etc etc) ?
Can't comment on reception issues, but most larger (airliner-size) civil
aircraft should be equipped with the 1090ES that would allow you to see
them. The ones you're less likely to see and light aircraft and military.