You're welcome ! Wed 28th April 20:00
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2010-04-12 22:34:25 UTC
brian whatcott
2010-04-17 01:29:48 UTC
Post by Rob
Thanks for posting this URL for Coventry Aeroplane Club.
I still have happy memories of learning to fly there - at least in the
old building. When I last visited, the photos of Instructors and Members
seemed very familiar - and sad - when I heard that these folks were all
gone to the place of CAVOK and six pounds an hour flight time....
For John Hill, Jeff Burchell-Crookes, Mike who bought it doing
aerobatics somewhere, the DFC instructor who walked away:
and all the folks who inhabited the 70's there.

Brian Whatcott
2010-04-17 16:34:20 UTC
Post by brian whatcott
Post by Rob
Thanks for posting this URL for Coventry Aeroplane Club.
I still have happy memories of learning to fly there - at least in the
old building. When I last visited, the photos of Instructors and Members
seemed very familiar - and sad - when I heard that these folks were all
gone to the place of CAVOK and six pounds an hour flight time....
For John Hill, Jeff Burchell-Crookes, Mike who bought it doing
and all the folks who inhabited the 70's there.
Brian Whatcott
Just looked at my records and I go back to May 77. Left the RAF
(Shackletons) in 64 then met John Hill etc. If you swan around the map
you'll see the concrete standing where the Bar was. Too polluted to
build/grow anything on it :-)

brian whatcott
2010-04-17 17:47:15 UTC
Post by Rob
Post by brian whatcott
Post by Rob
Thanks for posting this URL for Coventry Aeroplane Club.
I still have happy memories of learning to fly there - at least in the
old building. When I last visited, the photos of Instructors and Members
seemed very familiar - and sad - when I heard that these folks were all
gone to the place of CAVOK and six pounds an hour flight time....
For John Hill, Jeff Burchell-Crookes, Mike who bought it doing
and all the folks who inhabited the 70's there.
Brian Whatcott
Just looked at my records and I go back to May 77. Left the RAF
(Shackletons) in 64 then met John Hill etc. If you swan around the map
you'll see the concrete standing where the Bar was. Too polluted to
build/grow anything on it :-)
I was shocked to hear John Hill mention his time instructing elementary
flight training at a field west of Dallas at the end of WWII, where
Commonwealth pilots trained in a secure environment (among numerous
other places: Miami, Oklahoma was one of these..... He looked youthful
through the 1960's. Later, I made the pilgrimage to the small cemetery
where a few of those student pilots who didn't make it are buried in
immaculate graves. The Fairchild 19's could break at the wing roots if
mishandled, apparently.

Brian W
2010-04-17 18:40:23 UTC
Post by brian whatcott
Post by Rob
Post by brian whatcott
Post by Rob
Thanks for posting this URL for Coventry Aeroplane Club.
I still have happy memories of learning to fly there - at least in the
old building. When I last visited, the photos of Instructors and Members
seemed very familiar - and sad - when I heard that these folks were all
gone to the place of CAVOK and six pounds an hour flight time....
For John Hill, Jeff Burchell-Crookes, Mike who bought it doing
and all the folks who inhabited the 70's there.
Brian Whatcott
Just looked at my records and I go back to May 77. Left the RAF
(Shackletons) in 64 then met John Hill etc. If you swan around the map
you'll see the concrete standing where the Bar was. Too polluted to
build/grow anything on it :-)
I was shocked to hear John Hill mention his time instructing elementary
flight training at a field west of Dallas at the end of WWII, where
Commonwealth pilots trained in a secure environment (among numerous
other places: Miami, Oklahoma was one of these..... He looked youthful
through the 1960's. Later, I made the pilgrimage to the small cemetery
where a few of those student pilots who didn't make it are buried in
immaculate graves. The Fairchild 19's could break at the wing roots if
mishandled, apparently.
Brian W

This just came in from our Dep CFI: (He doesn't do usenet!)
My guess he was a 'Saturday' flyer....since I don't remember the name
and it's unusual) and a quick scan of my logs for the early seventies
doesn't show him? I only flew on Sunday mornings in those days (rota).

Ron (my very first student, August 1972) might remember him?

I don’t quite get his last comment? (a) I wasn’t aware of a DFC
instructor and (b) I don’t remember anybody walking away? I thought JKH,
GBC and E Kinch were our only ex-RAF instructors.

A good question to put to Don Johnson before he ‘walks away’!

brian whatcott
2010-04-18 03:28:12 UTC
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brian whatcott
2010-04-19 11:47:05 UTC
Post by Rob
This just came in from our Dep CFI: (He doesn't do usenet!)
My guess he was a 'Saturday' flyer....since I don't remember the name
and it's unusual) and a quick scan of my logs for the early seventies
doesn't show him? I only flew on Sunday mornings in those days (rota).
Ron (my very first student, August 1972) might remember him?
I don’t quite get his last comment? (a) I wasn’t aware of a DFC
instructor and (b) I don’t remember anybody walking away? I thought
JKH, GBC and E Kinch were our only ex-RAF instructors. /snip/
I dropped a note on the (UK) Gallantry Medallists' organization, and
Eric wasn't traced; this means I probably misconstrued some comment on
Eric's back ground from long ago.

Sorry to muddy the waters....

Brian W
