UK kit builders' news group
(too old to reply)
2007-01-23 20:45:52 UTC
Is there a NG for home builders in the UK? free.uk.aviation.home-build
seems to be dead and other similar groups seem to be US focussed.

Been playing with the idea of building a VANS RV9, I'm sure there are a
few of these being built in the UK. Would be great to see one in progress...

Anyone knows a NG or forum where such people gather on-line?

2007-01-23 21:56:30 UTC
Try www.vansairforce.net and http://www.matronics.com/rv-list/index.htm

Post by Akos
Is there a NG for home builders in the UK? free.uk.aviation.home-build
seems to be dead and other similar groups seem to be US focussed.
Been playing with the idea of building a VANS RV9, I'm sure there are a
few of these being built in the UK. Would be great to see one in progress...
Anyone knows a NG or forum where such people gather on-line?
Mike Lindsay
2007-01-24 10:10:20 UTC
Post by Akos
Is there a NG for home builders in the UK? free.uk.aviation.home-build
seems to be dead and other similar groups seem to be US focussed.
Been playing with the idea of building a VANS RV9, I'm sure there are a
few of these being built in the UK. Would be great to see one in progress...
Anyone knows a NG or forum where such people gather on-line?
The Popular Flying Association is mostly about home building. Try
Mike Lindsay
2007-01-24 12:24:12 UTC
Post by Akos
Is there a NG for home builders in the UK? free.uk.aviation.home-build
seems to be dead and other similar groups seem to be US focussed.
Been playing with the idea of building a VANS RV9, I'm sure there are a
few of these being built in the UK. Would be great to see one in progress...
Anyone knows a NG or forum where such people gather on-line?
UK Vans builders have a very active mailing list:
2007-01-24 17:10:16 UTC
Thanks, everyone!
2007-01-25 12:19:29 UTC
Post by Akos
Is there a NG for home builders in the UK? free.uk.aviation.home-build
seems to be dead and other similar groups seem to be US focussed.
Been playing with the idea of building a VANS RV9, I'm sure there are a
few of these being built in the UK. Would be great to see one in progress...
Anyone knows a NG or forum where such people gather on-line?
Hello Akos,

in Australia there is a yahoo groups newsgroup that is devoted
specifically to RV builders, that may be of interest to you.

But having read subsequent posts............it seems Iain knows the UK
UK Vans builders have a very active mailing list:


Ben. Canberra, Australia.
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that
cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong
goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.
-- Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless
2007-01-25 19:48:28 UTC
Hi Ben,


At the minute I'm trying to figure out if I should engage in such a
major undertaking (committment issues :-)). But first of all I need to
figure out if my garage is large enough for such a beast (and if so,
whether the door is wide enough to get the fuselage out once assembled).
Practical things like that. I'll look around these forums in the weekend.

Thanks, again - for all!

Edward Kiernan
2007-01-27 22:08:03 UTC

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but your best place to
start looking would probably be the bulletin board on the PFA website.
http://www.pfa.org.uk/ and follow the links. If nothing else, you'll
find other RV builders and they can direct you to their group website.

Post by Akos
Hi Ben,
At the minute I'm trying to figure out if I should engage in such a
major undertaking (committment issues :-)). But first of all I need to
figure out if my garage is large enough for such a beast (and if so,
whether the door is wide enough to get the fuselage out once assembled).
Practical things like that. I'll look around these forums in the weekend.
Thanks, again - for all!