Airfields under threat - again...
(too old to reply)
2007-01-08 09:59:42 UTC
Hi All,

It seems the Govnt are up to their usual smoke-and-mirrors games again
regarding the classifications of what constitutes a 'brown field' site (i.e
what's ripe for development). And yet again the developers will be looking
at an airfield near you if the blighters get their way.

In case you've not seen it, there's an e-petition web site we can sign up
to, to register our disapproval.

Do have a look and put in your mark if you feel so inclined.


best wishes

2007-01-08 12:05:56 UTC
Post by Gail
It seems the Govnt are up to their usual smoke-and-mirrors games again
regarding the classifications of what constitutes a 'brown field' site (i.e
what's ripe for development). And yet again the developers will be looking
at an airfield near you if the blighters get their way.
In case you've not seen it, there's an e-petition web site we can sign up
to, to register our disapproval.
Do have a look and put in your mark if you feel so inclined.
Remember that this website sends you an automated email to confirm
that the email address is really yours, so make sure you enter an
email address which does not have any antispam measures on it.
