Lancaster "flies again"
(too old to reply)
David Wright
2007-04-27 14:25:47 UTC
Anyone would think the BBMF Lancaster had been out of service for a decade,
rather than 6 months, given the press it's had on its "return to flight":


The BBC also contradict themselves by stating it's had eight months of
restoration, despite then linking to a page from the day it arrived in
Coventry only 6 months ago..

That aside, does anyone have any pics yet of it in the new paint scheme?
Having taken on a weekend job it looks like my opportunities to see it in
the flesh this year may have all but vanished.

Mike Cawood, HND BIT
2007-04-27 15:20:36 UTC
Post by David Wright
Anyone would think the BBMF Lancaster had been out of service for a
decade, rather than 6 months, given the press it's had on its "return to
I was thinking that, it flew over my house last summer.
Regards Mike.
