(too old to reply)
2007-09-14 20:05:41 UTC
Today in Mahon, menoprca I passed a Citation jet registraation M-AGIC. I
believe M to be an alternative british reg, but may be wrong in this, but
does aanyone know who owns M-AGIC??? It was a pretty cool plane with a very
cool reg...maybe diminutive Paul Daniels?

2007-09-14 20:39:28 UTC
Seems that even the Isle of Man thinks it's big enough to have its own


(sorry it's a Google cache reference, but they seem to have changed the
original page.)

Post by D
Today in Mahon, menoprca I passed a Citation jet registraation M-AGIC. I
believe M to be an alternative british reg, but may be wrong in this, but
does aanyone know who owns M-AGIC??? It was a pretty cool plane with a
very cool reg...maybe diminutive Paul Daniels?
2007-09-14 20:52:03 UTC
Post by me
Seems that even the Isle of Man thinks it's big enough to have its own

It's for rich tax and regulation dodgers - nothing below 5,700kg.
Uh, I mean it's for people who wish to benefit from the Isle of
Man¹s favourable tax regime and less bureaucratic service.

No information on who owns M-AGIC, I'm afraid.

2007-09-14 21:26:58 UTC
cheers guys
Post by me
Seems that even the Isle of Man thinks it's big enough to have its own

It's for rich tax and regulation dodgers - nothing below 5,700kg.
Uh, I mean it's for people who wish to benefit from the Isle of
Man¹s favourable tax regime and less bureaucratic service.

No information on who owns M-AGIC, I'm afraid.

Flying Rat
2007-09-15 20:56:48 UTC
Post by Netko
Post by me
Seems that even the Isle of Man thinks it's big enough to have its own
It's for rich tax and regulation dodgers - nothing below 5,700kg.
Uh, I mean it's for people who wish to benefit from the Isle of
Man¹s favourable tax regime and less bureaucratic service.
No information on who owns M-AGIC, I'm afraid.
It's also a product of the British CAA starting to get annoyed at the
number of VP- registered aircraft in British skies. The Manx register
gets round some of the red tape concerning foreign registered aircraft
being used for extended periods in Britain.

My amateur aviation photography site
Paul Sengupta
2007-09-19 11:01:16 UTC
Part of the attraction is that unlike the G (UK) register, the IoM will
other ICAO licences as being valid on their aircraft. Thus people can fly
IFR in Europe on an FAA IR. The only other way of getting to do this was to
have an N (US) registered aircraft.

"Netko" <***@this.address> wrote in message news:***@nntp.dsl.pipex.com...


It's for rich tax and regulation dodgers - nothing below 5,700kg.
Uh, I mean it's for people who wish to benefit from the Isle of
Man¹s favourable tax regime and less bureaucratic service.
2007-09-24 20:50:37 UTC
Post by Paul Sengupta
Part of the attraction is that unlike the G (UK) register, the IoM will
other ICAO licences as being valid on their aircraft. Thus people can fly
IFR in Europe on an FAA IR. The only other way of getting to do this was to
have an N (US) registered aircraft.
I think the old registries like Bermuda and Caymans, and probably also
Aruba, all accept *FAA* pilot licensing and aircraft/equipment
certification - though in all cases not below the turboprop type of

The IOM is just a more recent entry to the club.
Post by Paul Sengupta
It's for rich tax and regulation dodgers - nothing below 5,700kg.
Uh, I mean it's for people who wish to benefit from the Isle of
Man¹s favourable tax regime and less bureaucratic service.
Come on Paul :) Let's say you owe £10,000 in tax, are you going to
send Gordon Brown a cheque for £20,000 instead, so more deprived
children can be given better schooling? Of course not. One pays the
tax one is legally required to pay, and not a penny more. Same with
regulatory compliance: one complies with the requirements.

2007-09-14 22:43:32 UTC
Post by D
Today in Mahon, menoprca I passed a Citation jet registraation M-AGIC. I
believe M to be an alternative british reg, but may be wrong in this, but
does aanyone know who owns M-AGIC??? It was a pretty cool plane with a very
cool reg...maybe diminutive Paul Daniels?
It's a Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign owned by Trevor Hemmings, and it's
a relatively new aircraft.


Trevor Hemmings is a 73 year old businessman who owns Blackpool tower
and Pontins holiday camps as well as "quite a bit" of other property.
He's not a billionaire but he's not far off. As you might guess, he
lives in the Isle of Man and Jersey.
2007-09-15 10:34:34 UTC
Thanks for the information.
Well he was having a few days in the menorcan sun this week . I hope his
stay was pleasant. I wonder if he needs a pilot...

Post by unknown
Post by D
Today in Mahon, menoprca I passed a Citation jet registraation M-AGIC. I
believe M to be an alternative british reg, but may be wrong in this, but
does aanyone know who owns M-AGIC??? It was a pretty cool plane with a very
cool reg...maybe diminutive Paul Daniels?
It's a Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign owned by Trevor Hemmings, and it's
a relatively new aircraft.
Trevor Hemmings is a 73 year old businessman who owns Blackpool tower
and Pontins holiday camps as well as "quite a bit" of other property.
He's not a billionaire but he's not far off. As you might guess, he
lives in the Isle of Man and Jersey.
2007-09-21 23:44:23 UTC
Post by D
Today in Mahon, menoprca I passed a Citation jet registraation M-AGIC. I
believe M to be an alternative british reg, but may be wrong in this, but
does aanyone know who owns M-AGIC??? It was a pretty cool plane with a very
cool reg...maybe diminutive Paul Daniels?

