(too old to reply)
2007-05-06 11:56:01 UTC
i have had 2 x 1 hour lessons in a piper cherokee but unfortunately due to
disability cannot have more as i am in a lot of pain getting in and out
because my knees and upper legs/hips have a problem in bending to the degree
required,----- has anyone got any ideas to overcome this Ie more suitable
2007-05-06 13:52:17 UTC
Post by Alan
i have had 2 x 1 hour lessons in a piper cherokee but unfortunately due to
disability cannot have more as i am in a lot of pain getting in and out
because my knees and upper legs/hips have a problem in bending to the degree
required,----- has anyone got any ideas to overcome this Ie more suitable
Some people find Cessna 172s easier because of the high wing and large
door. There are a number of adapted aircraft around of all types, some
with hand-operated rudders. Speak to the disabled flying association
http://www.bdfa.net (list of places to fly under the "flying" tab).

Cynthia Reid
2007-05-07 19:23:25 UTC
Post by Alan
i have had 2 x 1 hour lessons in a piper cherokee but unfortunately due to
disability cannot have more as i am in a lot of pain getting in and out
because my knees and upper legs/hips have a problem in bending to the
degree required,----- has anyone got any ideas to overcome this Ie more
suitable aircraft
You may find the Cessna 172 suitable. I have hip and knee problems now, so I
keep a small plastic kitchen step in my aeroplane and use it to get in when
necessary - it has a rope attached so I can pull it in after me. When
standing on the step my bum is just the right height to slide onto the seat.
Then I just need to swivel round. At this stage the door post is a bit
restrictive but by sitting well back and almost joining my front seat pax I
can get the knees bent enough.
Cynthia G-TRIO
David Cartwright
2007-05-09 12:09:17 UTC
Post by Alan
i have had 2 x 1 hour lessons in a piper cherokee but unfortunately due to
disability cannot have more as i am in a lot of pain getting in and out
because my knees and upper legs/hips have a problem in bending to the
degree required,----- has anyone got any ideas to overcome this Ie more
suitable aircraft
I'll add my "hear hear" to those who've mentioned the C172. I did all my
training in Piper aircraft (predominantly the PA-28 family), but recently
had a bash in a 172 and it struck me as far simpler to get into.

Andy R
2007-05-09 13:10:20 UTC
Post by David Cartwright
Post by Alan
i have had 2 x 1 hour lessons in a piper cherokee but unfortunately due to
disability cannot have more as i am in a lot of pain getting in and out
because my knees and upper legs/hips have a problem in bending to the
degree required,----- has anyone got any ideas to overcome this Ie more
suitable aircraft
I'll add my "hear hear" to those who've mentioned the C172. I did all my
training in Piper aircraft (predominantly the PA-28 family), but recently
had a bash in a 172 and it struck me as far simpler to get into.
And, just as important to my mind, to get out of.

In the event of a ditching, forced landing where the airframe gets distorted
or a forced landing where it flips over in a field I'd much rather be trying
to get out of a C172 than a PA28. Especially if you're a bit of a Fat


Andy R
Mark Jones Laptop2
2007-05-10 10:48:16 UTC
Post by David Cartwright
Post by Alan
i have had 2 x 1 hour lessons in a piper cherokee but unfortunately due to
disability cannot have more as i am in a lot of pain getting in and out
because my knees and upper legs/hips have a problem in bending to the
degree required,----- has anyone got any ideas to overcome this Ie more
suitable aircraft
I'll add my "hear hear" to those who've mentioned the C172. I did all my
training in Piper aircraft (predominantly the PA-28 family), but recently
had a bash in a 172 and it struck me as far simpler to get into.
Reminds me of my first check ride in a C152 at Ormonde Beach, Florida. I had
500+ hours on PA28's and amused the instructor by getting in through the
starboard door and sliding over to the left seat. Until that day I had no
idea that Cessnas have doors on both sides.

2007-05-10 09:35:41 UTC
I'd suggest a Cessna 152.

In the 152 you can slide in sideways from the left door, bum across to right
seat, swing legs in, then back across to the left seat (assuming you're
flying from there, I guess going through the right would be just as easy)
and all is well. It's quick, easy and really simple. My legs are constrained
to bend only to 90° at the knee, and of the aeroplanes I tried, the 152
worked best for me. The 172 was good too, but I found it less easy than the

All the best

Post by Alan
i have had 2 x 1 hour lessons in a piper cherokee but unfortunately due to
disability cannot have more as i am in a lot of pain getting in and out
because my knees and upper legs/hips have a problem in bending to the
degree required,----- has anyone got any ideas to overcome this Ie more
suitable aircraft
2007-05-27 06:16:17 UTC
And we remind our viewers that
"less easy" is sometimes written "harder" in English ..
Post by mitchea
I'd suggest a Cessna 152.
In the 152 you can slide in sideways from the left door, bum across to
right seat, swing legs in, then back across to the left seat (assuming
you're flying from there, I guess going through the right would be just as
easy) and all is well. It's quick, easy and really simple. My legs are
constrained to bend only to 90° at the knee, and of the aeroplanes I
tried, the 152 worked best for me. The 172 was good too, but I found it
less easy than the
Post by mitchea
All the best
Post by Alan
i have had 2 x 1 hour lessons in a piper cherokee but unfortunately due to
disability cannot have more as i am in a lot of pain getting in and out
because my knees and upper legs/hips have a problem in bending to the
degree required,----- has anyone got any ideas to overcome this Ie more
suitable aircraft